James Thorp, MD: The unspoken truth, a highly credentialed OB-GYN's concerns on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Beloved Holistics
James Thorp, MD: The unspoken truth, a highly credentialed OB-GYN's concerns on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Dr. James Thorp is a 68-year-old OB/GYN specialist in maternal-fetal medicine from Florida. With over 42 years of experience, he has seen 6,000 to 7,000 high-risk pregnant patients annually. Since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, he has observed a significant rise in fetal deaths and miscarriages among his patients. However, it's hard to know the full extent of these adverse effects due to gag orders imposed on physicians and nurses since September 2021. Despite risking his career, Dr. Thorp is speaking out about what he's seeing in his practice and the information available in Pfizer's documents and the VAERS database. In his opinion, the mRNA vaccines aren't safe for pregnant women and their fetuses.

As an accredited OB/GYN, Dr. James underwent intensive research during his three years of subspecialty training, which has given him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in counseling patients. He graduated from Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1979 with a health profession scholarship and was commissioned as an officer in the US Air Force. Despite the risk of being relegated to a low-tier military residency program, he was fortunate to have a mentor in Ign Phillip Seis and his impressive credentials are a testament to his dedication to his profession.

(Video with James' slides was removed from Youtube, but you can now find it here on Rumble!)

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Medical Disclaimer: The Holistic OBGYN Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Music provided by EdvardGaresPremium / Pond5


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