Kyle Kingsbury: Exploring parenthood with a retired UFC fighter, from natural birth to unconventional parenting

Beloved Holistics
Kyle Kingsbury: Exploring parenthood with a retired UFC fighter, from natural birth to unconventional parenting

Kyle Kingsbury is a retired mixed martial artist, husband, father of two children, and a Fit For Service facilitator who helps individuals reach their full potential. He is also a former Chief Optimization Officer at Onnit and has the same mentor as Paul Chek, founder of the CHEK Institute. Kyle and his wife Natasha opted for natural birth and avoided unnecessary ultrasounds for their first child's delivery despite being in a hospital setting. Kyle emphasizes the importance of having a solid support system, including a doula, midwife, and experienced family members present during childbirth.

Kyle acknowledges the challenges of the early weeks of fatherhood, including the constant demands of caring for a newborn, lack of sleep, and feeling overwhelmed. He shares the importance of caring for oneself to be a better father and partner and the lessons he learned about balance and patience. Kyle's experience as a new father has been transformative. The family initially struggled with sleep-training their first child, Bear, and decided to sleep with him, which helped them bond but was challenging for the first six weeks. Kyle's journey towards finding a balance between ancestral living and modern science led him to discover O Dil, a prescription that allowed him to work, spend time with his son, and maintain his health. This newfound balance led him to start podcasting and move his family to Vegas through a series of synchronicities.

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In this episode:

[00:03:00] Kyle and Natasha have been together for 12 years and took their time to have kids.

  • Plant medicine played a significant role in their decision to have a child.
  • Kyle was initially afraid of becoming a dad due to his own upbringing. 
  • There's no perfect time to have a kid.

[00:14:00] Men have an important role in supporting their partner during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, and should be involved as much as possible.

  • Natasha had a hospital birth which was not ideal.
  • Having a support system, such as a doula, midwife, and family members, is truly helpful during this time.

[00:24:00] Pregnant women should be celebrated for their strength and beauty.

  • Having sex with a pregnant wife can be an incredible experience.
  • Female orgasms during pregnancy can have a positive impact on the baby's development through epigenetics.

[00:33:00] Kyle’s family has a unique sleeping arrangement with multiple comfortable options.

  • Kyle advocates for co-sleeping with children as it’s a beautiful way to start the journey into parenting.
  • Kyle talks about the complexity of his relationship with Tosh and the birth of Wolf.

[00:45:00] The purpose of the open relationship for Kyle and Natasha was to increase their tribe.

  • Having a large group of people who love and care for their kids.
  • Kyle had a lot of emotions when he found out Tosh was pregnant, but spearheaded the necessary steps to make it happen.

[00:55:00] Kyle had fears about having a baby at home after experiencing a miscarriage between his first child and second child's birth.

  • Undergoing a psilocybin journey of 30 grams of penis envy, a strong mushroom strain, and layers of his personal hell.
  • He surrendered completely and dealt with blame, shame, and other emotions to come to full terms with the miscarriage and accept it the way it was.
  • Surrendering was the doorway through his experience, and once he abandoned hope of it changing, he was able to accept it.

This episode was made possible by:

  • FullWell - code BELOVED10 for 10% off the best prenatal vitamins and men's virility vitamins on the planet!
  • BIRTHFIT - code BELOVED to get one month FREE in their B! Community!
  • Immune Intel AHCC - code BELOVED10 for 10% off
  • BiOptimizers - code BELOVED for 10% off the only sleep aid you'll ever need!
  • Organifi - code BELOVED for 20% off their Glow blend!

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Medical Disclaimer: The Holistic OBGYN Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Music provided by EdvardGaresPremium / Pond5


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#21 Natasha Kingsbury: Choose Life and Love (over Fear and Regret)

#53 Kyle Kingsbury: [FOR THE DADS] Kyle Kingsbury: A Father’s Pursuit of Freedom

#109 Masal Denton: On Embracing Masculinity and Sacred Hunting

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